I am behind on my posting but I promise a new post is coming soon. I have been so busy, and then chemo this week has me dragging. I do have a draft I am working on that focuses on how to communicate with friends and family about cancer. I think it will be a really helpful post. It needs a little more work and should be up within the next few days.
Instead of a blog post today, I decided to do a quick video diary about my bald head. This past weekend I rocked my bald head at my best friend’s wedding and then yesterday I went to work bald for the first time. It was a really big step for me and it took a lot of courage.
I want to stop and celebrate this moment. People tell me all the time that I am brave and courageous, but yesterday was one of the first few times I really felt that way. I never thought I would be confident enough to rock my bald head in public but cancer changes you and gives you the strength you never thought you had.
Thank you for all of your love and encouragement and a special thanks to Shelly for the awesome comment that became my blog title today.