As soon as we found out we were pregnant with our second miracle baby, the first thing we thought of was how to find a fun way to share the news with our son Mason. The big brother announcement was our favorite part to plan. After 11.5 weeks of hiding my first trimester, I couldn't wait any longer and shared our funny pregnancy announcement in a reel on Instagram, and we knew we wanted to have a sweet way to share the new baby surprise with Mason once we felt the pregnancy was far enough along following our positive pregnancy test.
Sweet Second Pregnancy Big Brother Announcement

When trying to get pregnant after a miscarriage and an ectopic pregnancy, it can be scary to figure out when you feel comfortable telling friends, family members, and your children. We wanted to make it through the first trimester before sharing our special news as a whole family. Getting a new sibling can be exciting, overwhelming, and confusing for a little one. Especially developmentally if they're not sure how to process the news. So we put a thought of thought into when and how to tell Mason.

Deciding to Have a Second Child
Before we jump into the pregnancy announcement I did want to share a little bit about our second round of fertility treatment. I know so many of you are on this same path struggling to get pregnant. I know how hard the trying to conceive process is emotionally, mentally, and physically, particularly after cancer.
After I received my Breast Cancer Index results in March, I had a sudden change of heart about having a second child. I knew I would be put on hormone-blocking medications again for 5 years. Before entering the long hail dealing with medical menopause side effects for 5 more years, I wanted to give our family a chance to expand.
Our Fertility Timeline
In April with the approval of my oncologist, I went off my hormone-blocking medication. At my oncologist's recommendation, she suggested I give my body at least 3 months off my medication before beginning to try. There are various opinions on the half-life of hormone-blocking medication. But I was comfortable airing on the safe side.
Simultaneously, we began meeting with the same fertility clinic we used for Mason. But unfortunately, my doctor and all of the staff were leaving. The process of finding a new doctor was difficult and frustrating. And sadly the clinic we ended up at was horrible. The staff was callous, insensitive, and incompetent.
Luckily, I have learned to be my best advocate and in spite of the medical staff we struggled with here is how we ended up pregnant.
- July 4th my cycle returned and we immediately began Clomid at the fertility clinic's recommendation
- Mid-July Ultrasounds - doctors dismissed my follicles as too small and cancelled out IUI
- Early August - I still hadn't gotten my period and was sad and frustrated
- August 10th - My period started and we began another round of Clomid at a higher dose.
- I later learned from my more trusted fertility source that I should have been on Letrozole instead of Clomid. Clomid is known to spike Estrogen very fast and high which is not good for hormone-positive breast cancer patients.
- I also later learned my cycle was much longer than expected. And the window to check my follicles properly was missed.
- 2 weeks later the clinic saw me for a mid-cycle follicle check and canceled our IUI saying they were too small.
- 1 week later after checking ovulation daily, I knew I had not ovulated and requested another ultrasound to check my follicles. I was told "an ultrasound cannot tell if you ovulated" which is a complete lie because if they saw the follicles again (which they did) it confirmed I had not ovulated.
- After the ultrasound, I was not spoken to or consulted by a doctor or nurse. So I took matters into my own hands. I went home with the follicle size from the ultrasound and began my own research on the ideal size for the trigger shot. And timed intercourse/IUI via other IVF/fertility moms and fertility specialists.
- I confirmed my follicles were a perfect size and we decided to do the ovulation trigger shot at home (since we had everything from the 2nd canceled IUI cycle).
- 14 days after the trigger shot we took a pregnancy test and confirmed I was PREGNANT!!!!
- We had no additional contact from the fertility clinic and refused to tell them our good news. We would not count for their quotas as they had no part in our success!

Sharing Our Pregnancy News
At 11 weeks of pregnancy, we had our second ultrasound and confirmation that the baby had a strong heartbeat. So we felt comfortable sharing with Mason that he would soon become an older sibling. We decided to have a friend come over and film his candid reaction to being told the big news. The big brother announcement was so fun!

Big Brother Pregnancy Announcement Shirt

Since I knew we wanted to take some sweet photos after filming his candid reaction to the big brother announcement, I wanted to get Mason a big brother t-shirt. There are so many awesome shirts out there. But I wanted a style that was simple and neutral and loved the price point on this big brother t-shirt.
In addition to the t-shirt, we wanted Mason to have something concrete he could open to help him understand he is going to be a big sibling. We decided to get some big brother books as well as a baby doll he could start practicing with. He is almost 3 and loves baby dolls and reading. As you will see in our video below, the doll was so helpful in helping Mason understand about becoming a big sibling.
Big Brother Announcement Books

Since little ones don't always understand how to comprehend the baby's growth, due date, or where the baby is, it can be helpful to share your sonogram photo. Once your child knows they will become a sibling you can work routines of preparation into your daily rituals. We have started telling Mason each day all the ways he will be the best big brother. He also spends time talking to the baby in my belly and sharing his videos and toys with the baby. There are so many ways to make your son feel involved in your growing family journey.
I hope this post inspired you with some pregnancy announcement ideas for your little man as you celebrate your second pregnancy and do a big brother announcement in your own way.

Breast cancer survivor, lover of style, beauty and all things pink! Inspiring you to thrive through adversity.