Lifestyle, Motherhood

Beach Bound with a Baby: What We’re Packing

Beach Travel Essentials for Baby

Traveling with a baby is a whole new level of packing.  On Monday we are headed to the beach for a safe and quiet getaway and I wanted to share what we're packing for all those other parents out there. I am also including a few lessons learned from our last trip to the mountains to see my parents and tips from some of my amazing Instagram followers.


Packing for a Baby: Lessons Learned

Overpack on clothes/burp cloths.

If you have a drooler like we do, you will go through so many clothes and it's always better to have more on hand

Pack as you go through your routines.

I forgot our bottle thermometer and found this time I am making my list as we go through our normal daily routines

Portable seat:

At the last minute we swapped the highchair for our portable seat and it was SO helpful. The seat served as a place for Mason to play and he was able to easily join family mealtime out and at home.

Dirty Diaper bags:

Being in someone else's house or an airbnb (for next week) and not having our diaper genie means lots of stinky diapers in the normal trash. This time I will not forget our "smell good" diaper bags

Special toys:

This was a great tip from a follower. Bring special "car" toys that are new or refreshed to help with the car time and make it more exciting.

Time your drive during nap-time.

When we drove to Asheville we thought it would be good to drive at night but arriving at 11pm (while he slept the whole ride) threw off his entire night. This time we are planning to drive during nap so it doesn't throw off the whole day.

baby at the Beach wearing hat

Packing for the Beach with a Baby

My main focus when it comes to beach planning with a baby has been comfort for him and protection from the sun. I want to make sure it's a fun experience for us all. Here is what we are packing specifically for the beach.

What did I forget? Let me know in the comments and we'll be sure to report back on how it goes.


Breast cancer survivor, lover of style, beauty and all things pink! Inspiring you to thrive through adversity. 


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